贝博体彩app是一个带着你的狗游览的完美城市. @hellorubydoodle shows how four-legged companions can enjoy San Francisco just as much as you do.
贝博体彩app是一个人人都喜欢的地方 总是受欢迎这种礼貌也适用于我们四条腿的朋友. 事实上, 最近的一项研究 of the country's most pet-friendly cities ranked San Francisco as number one!
这里有壮丽的景色,可以攀登陡峭的山丘, 漂亮的公园 在那里狗狗可以更多地结交自己的朋友 户外就餐 机会比以往任何时候都多 酒店 that happily accommodate your pet, even your pup will come away impressed with San Francisco. 大多数商店允许你带着小狗进去, and dogs have become regular fixtures in the many parklets that have sprung up at San Francisco's bars and restaurants this past year.
A recent study of the country's most pet-friendly cities ranked San Francisco as number one!
The city has an abundance of open spaces for dogs to play, and they are incredibly well cared for. 例如,金门公园的狗公园 最近重新开放 2美元之后.400万翻新! 你走在贝博体彩app也可以知道这一点, 在每个街区, 打包袋分配器和垃圾桶随时可用, meaning you never have to worry about where and when your walking buddy may need to take care of business.
To showcase just how much there is to do for your canine companions in the City by the Bay, 我们邀请了梅兰妮和她的迷你澳大利亚拉布拉多犬, 红宝石——背后充满活力的二人组 HelloRubyDoodle我来拜访你. 看看他们的周末行程,为你的下一次旅行找到灵感.
贝博体彩app的许多酒店都对宠物友好, 但如果你想要一个对狗狗好又接近 受欢迎的景点, offers stunning views, and features excellent dining options, then you'll want to stay at the 贝博体彩app联合广场希尔顿酒店. 就像它位于市中心一样, 希尔顿 联合广场 is a great place to get your bearings as you prep for a weekend of fun in San Francisco.
贝博体彩app联合广场希尔顿酒店是对宠物友好的, 允许旅客在每个房间最多携带2只狗入住. 许多房间都设有阳台, allowing you and your furry friends to get fresh air without ever leaving your room. 狗床、美味的食物和水碗都可以在房间里使用.
鲁比睡午觉的时候,梅兰妮在休息 城市景观位于酒店46层的时尚酒吧. Guests can choose from a selection of creative cocktails named for San Francisco 社区, 来自附近纳帕和索诺玛的葡萄酒, 还有当地人最喜欢的精酿啤酒, 还有轻微的咬伤.
第2天:标志性体验. 1
当你有很多东西要看,还有一个像Ruby这样渴望旅行的同伴, 以一顿丰盛的早餐开始新的一天是很重要的. 你可以边走边吃早餐 酒店或者去贝博体彩app的任何一家 令人难以置信的餐馆.
媚兰和鲁比在简·安·菲尔莫吃了早饭,开始了一天的生活. 这个受欢迎的地方供应美味的咖啡, 新鲜出炉的面包, 还有其他很好的选择来开始新的一天. 梅勒妮推荐蛋清帕尼尼. Jane On 菲尔莫为小狗提供了大量的户外座位. You're bound to see a wide variety of breeds hanging out along this busy stretch of the neighborhood.
早餐后, Melanie and Ruby took a walk south along 菲尔莫 Street to Alamo Square Park, 是贝博体彩app标志性建筑的所在地 涂女士. These famous, colorful homes (all private residences) are among the most photographed in the world. 从公园东边的山顶上, 你可以在前景看到公园的绿草, 中间的彩绘女郎, 以及远处高耸的贝博体彩app天际线. 然而,这并不是公园所能提供的全部. 在对面, 有一个很大的不带皮带的区域,狗可以在里面奔跑和打滚, 所以即使他们也可以享受追球(和风景)的乐趣. The park even has water fountains at puppy height, as do many of San Francisco's parks.
朝着海湾,越过山丘,穿过繁忙的街道 社区 有很多东西可以看(和闻), Melanie and Ruby found themselves at another iconic San Francisco location: the Palace of Fine 艺术. 这个巨大的, classical structure is all that remains from the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, a global event that put San Francisco back on the map after the devastation of the 1906 earthquake and fire. 它的柱廊环绕着一个小泻湖和公园, 那里总能找到海龟和各种各样的鸟类. (在这里,最好拴住你的旅伴.)
从那里,你和你的小狗可以去探索近1500英亩的 的要塞. A former military base that's now part of the expansive Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 的要塞 is full of winding trails and open spaces perfect for exploring with a four-legged friend. 许多地方允许你的狗不拴狗绳. 田纳西山谷小径只有1英里.5英里,但能让你接近当地的野生动物. 加州海岸步道是2级.5英里的旅程能让你欣赏到太平洋的美景. 普雷西迪奥的主草坪是带你毛茸茸的伙伴去的好地方. 你可以在那里遇到其他宠物. Besides captivating views, 的要塞 also has Andy Goldsworthy's remarkable outdoor artworks. “尖塔,“木线”,“树倒了。”,和“土墙”都是由现场发现的天然材料制成的.
到这一天的这个时候,你已经有了食欲, 那么,为什么不在伦巴第街门口离开要塞,开始探索呢 码头? 沿着栗子街和联合街, 附近两条平行的主要街道, you'll find plenty of great places to eat—many with patios and parklets that make dining with dogs 容易. 棕榈屋提供加勒比风格的创意. Perry’s是一家贝博体彩app的机构,提供所有的主食:多汁的汉堡, 放纵的方, 和烈性酒. A16 on Chestnut Street has earned Michelin Guide honors for its 意大利 fare. Melanie and Ruby chose to stop at Wildseed for some of the best vegan and vegetarian fare the city has to offer. Their Mexican corn cakes and beet poke are some of their most well-reviewed dishes.
Of course, being this close to the water means another San Francisco icon looms nearby: 金门大桥. 午饭后, 梅兰妮和露比去了克里西球场, a wide-open expanse of grass and sandy beach that grants visitors gorgeous views of the bridge, 从它下面经过的船只, 还有在上面翻滚的雾. 这里地势平坦,是狗主人们的好去处, 前往海滩的通道, 你的旅行伙伴一定会在这里结交一些新朋友.
第二天晚上的晚餐,梅勒妮和鲁比决定探索一下 任务. 作为贝博体彩app拉丁文化和美食的中心, 瓦伦西亚有几十个选择, 格雷罗州, 和教会街, 很多都是对狗友好的. 梅兰妮决定试试Loló, 一个明亮和欢迎的餐厅,提供哈利斯科州的味道, 包括瓜达拉哈拉在内的墨西哥部分. 据梅兰妮说,他们家的牛油果玉米卷不容错过!
第3天/标志性体验. 2
For their last day, Melanie and Ruby wanted to visit a few more famous locations in San Francisco. 他们名单上的第一个是 渔人码头. 这个社区是这个城市的一些 最受欢迎的景点. 这个社区的一颗隐藏的宝石是雨伞巷. 位于泳滩街, 对面的缆车转弯, 这种狭隘, pet-friendly alleyway is lined with murals by local artists and features a canopy of colorful umbrellas. 这是你和你的狗狗拍照的最佳地点.
已经覆盖了阿拉莫广场公园和普雷西迪奥, Melanie and Ruby decided to explore some more of San Francisco's open spaces. 这一次他们尽了最大的努力, 探索兰兹角和通往大陆边缘的小径! 在这个公园里,你会发现金门对面到马林的美景. Be careful, though: it can get very windy here, and some trails are quite steep. 注意脚下,拴好你毛茸茸的朋友.
Lands End小径的终点是 海水浴场. These foundations are all that remains of what was once a trendy destination for San Francisco residents: a complex of pools of various sizes, 温度, 和盐度. 它们是企业家和前市长阿道夫·苏特罗的梦想项目, 它们在20世纪初风靡一时. The city was so much smaller then that the 海水浴场 were serviced by their own little railroad!
在兰兹角和要塞之间 贝克海滩, a stretch of sand that most visitors don't know about and locals treasure fiercely. 贝克海滩 has quite a history, as it was home to the original Burning Man festivals. 这是一个安静的地方, 风景优美的, 还有遛狗公园, where your canine pal can run off some excess energy before you begin your journey home.
准备好和你的宠物一起计划你自己的湾区之旅吧? 看看城里更多的选择,比如 帕洛阿尔托研究中心55 or 贝博体彩app金融区希尔顿酒店. 发现其他宠物友好的地方和住宿的好地方 湾区有40家希尔顿酒店 (请向每家酒店查询最新的宠物政策).